Child and Family Services Center

The Child and Family Services Center

  • Administration

儿童和家庭服务中心(CFSC)是一个社区精神健康诊所, where we provide psychoeducational assessment and counseling to adults, children, and families. 我们还为阿尔弗雷德周边社区的学校和其他机构提供咨询服务. 临床服务由硕士生和博士生在有执照的心理健康咨询师和心理学家的监督下提供,这些心理咨询师和心理学家是咨询和学校心理学研究生课程的教员.

Statistics and History

About this Facility

Counseling Services

For children, we offer individual, family, and group therapy.  For young children, we offer play therapy.  我们就儿童的行为和注意力问题提供咨询. 

For children and adults, we offer counseling regarding mood or anxiety problems, relationship and adjustment issues, and stress management.  我们不能提供精神治疗或药物管理. 

Psychoeducational Assessment Services

我们对3到21岁的学生进行关于学习困难的心理教育评估, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, social-emotional concerns, and autism spectrum disorders. 

Family Approach

Because we are a child and 家庭中心,我们让家长参与我们为他们的孩子提供的服务.  这意味着当孩子接受个别咨询时,父母可以定期与临床医生会面, or that parents and children receive family counseling together.  With parents’ input, 我们能更好地了解他们的孩子,并能提供建议,帮助孩子们更成功. 

Individuals We Can Serve

There are no geographic limitations to our services.

我们重视人与人之间的差异和相似之处,并尊重与我们合作的客户和社区的不同身份.  儿童与家庭服务中心不因种族而歧视, ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, familial status, pregnancy, predisposing genetic characteristics, military or veteran status, domestic violence victim status, 刑事定罪或受适用法律保护的其他特征. 




Like most professionals, we provide services for a fee.  然而,我们有一个基于收入和家庭规模的滑动收费计划.  有医疗补助或儿童健康附加保险的人不需要付费.  一般来说,没有人会因为无力支付而被拒之门外. 


Fall semester:  Wednesday and Thursday 1-7pm
Spring semester:  Monday through Thursday 1-7pm

Contact Us

Street Address: 6 Sayles Street, Alfred, NY 14802

有关CFSC的更多信息或安排预约,请致电我们 607-871-2229 or email us.

The Lea R. Powell Institute for Children and Families

The Lea R. 鲍威尔儿童与家庭研究所是这项研究的组织机构, training, 以及心理咨询和学校心理学部的服务任务. The Powell Institute was founded in 1994 with a grant provided by Mrs. Lea Rood Powell. Mrs. Powell and her husband, Arthur L. Powell, Chairman of the Alfred University Board of Trustees (1989-1995), 是在线赌博多个校园项目的慷慨支持者吗. A permanent location for the Institute was established in 2002, by building an addition to the Child and Family Services Center. This expanded facility houses office space for the Institute Director, the endowed Powell Chair in Psychology and Schooling, the Director of the CFSC, 以及研究所资助项目的研究和项目运作设施.  It also includes the Welter Library, 为学校心理教师提供治疗和参考资料的资源库, students, and area professionals. The Institute also provides a setting for division seminars, classes, and graduate student research and study.

The mission of the Lea R. 鲍威尔研究所是支持和扩大在线赌博咨询和学校心理学部门的项目和活动,对儿童和家庭的生活产生积极的影响. As a means to this end, 该研究所为儿童和家庭服务中心提供支持, 寻求和管理为本司的研究和培训活动提供外部资金的赠款, 并为学生提供持续专业发展的机会, faculty members, and area school and mental health professionals.  这些活动是通过下文所述的研究所组成部分进行的.

The Child and Family Services Center (CFSC)

儿童和家庭服务中心是在线赌博校园内的一个社区心理健康诊所. CFSC坐落在一座历史悠久的建筑里,以前是Pi Alpha Pi姐妹会的房子. It is attached to the newer wing of the Powell Institute.  As a training clinic for our graduate students, 家庭服务中心为个人提供评估和干预服务, families, and schools in the communities surrounding Alfred.

Powell Development Program

鲍威尔发展计划协调外部资金倡议,以支持咨询和学校心理学部的教师研究和学生培训. Through the development program, the Institute actively seeks grants to support student training, faculty and student research, 学校和机构的项目使我们社区的儿童和家庭受益. Federal, state, 私人赠款资助的项目和活动通过发展计划进行管理.

研究所还通过发展方案向从事与儿童和家庭问题有关的研究的个人提供研究补助金. 奖学金授予在线赌博从事应用研究的博士生, 以及对进行实地研究感兴趣的学校和心理健康专业人士. 有关拨款申请程序的信息可通过研究所主任获得.

Institute Partnerships

通过研究所与其他大学和社区机构的伙伴关系,为农村学校和精神卫生专业人员提供高级培训. The Institute is a training partner with the Family Service Society, 哪个组织为地区学校和心理健康专业人员持续举办专业发展讲习班. 这种伙伴关系允许研究所为学生和咨询和学校心理部门的实习主管提供免费的研讨会入场券. 研究所还为社区机构和其他大学举办的专门培训讲习班提供场地.

For more information about the Powell Institute, contact Dr. Lynn O’Connell, Interim Director, at 607-871-2793.