
We correlated the raw responses to determine the number and possible identifying characteristics of potentially violent students.

More than 10 percent of the respondents may be inclined toward lethal violence, and more than 2.5%可能被认为是危险的.

学生 were asked two questions that reflect their inclinations toward school shooting:

  • 8 percent of the respondents said they have thought about shooting someone at school.
  • 10 percent said they have thought about how they would go about shooting someone at school if they wanted to.
  • 12 percent agreed with one or both statements; these are the students considered to be inclined toward lethal violence.

学生 were asked one question that indicates they have the means to carry out a school shooting if they wanted to:

  • 24 percent said they could "easily get a gun if I wanted one."

We determined that those who had agreed with all three statements, indicating that they had thought about shooting someone at school; had made a plan to do so; and had the means to carry out a shooting - 2.6 percent of the respondents - were the most likely to actually carry out lethal violence in the schools and thus the most dangerous.

When the regressions are conducted by urban city and by geographic region, the same four predictors are usually among the most important. 然而,有一些有趣的差异.

  • 城市学生, 种族取向变得更加重要, with white students more likely to indicate violent thoughts.
  • 对于郊区和南方的学生来说, there seemed to be a negative correlation between helping out in the community and a propensity toward violence, with dangerous students less likely to help out in the community.
  • Rural students were the only ones for whom grades were among the most important predictors. Rural students with poor grades were more likely to express violent thoughts.
    中西部学生, both the mother's educational level (often an indictor of socio-economic status) and media usage were important.
  • 学生 with more educated mothers and students who spent more time involved with electronic media were more likely to say they had dangerous thoughts.

Although students with poorer grades are more likely to say they have thought about shooting someone at school and have thought about how they might carry out a shooting, grades (academic performance) did not predict dangerousness, 种族取向和家庭地位也没有.

高媒体用户可能会被高度疏远, 生活质量指数低,成绩较差, 但是如果没有进一步的分析, high media use does not appear to correlate with "dangerousness."

Because the pervasiveness of violence in the media is so often blamed for violence in society, we decided to survey students about their media usage habits and to determine if there is a relation between the amount of time spent immersed in electronic media (and therefore the amount of time they might be exposed to simulated violence) and a propensity toward lethal violence in the schools. 学生, 回答调查的另一个部分, 他们清楚地告诉我们,他们不考虑“电视暴力”, in videos and in computer and video games" as a leading reason for the lethal violence that can sometimes erupt at schools. 看原始数据, it appears that media use and attributes that may be associated with a propensity toward violence -low quality of life, 高异化指数, 更差的学习成绩.

平均值:每周小时数. 在互联网上 观看视频 玩电子游戏 玩电脑游戏 访问聊天室 浏览网站
总计 13.73 4.76 2.82 3.91 1.47 6.88
男性 15.63 4.46 4.49 4.91 1.43 8.09
11.73 5.07 4.07 2.86 1.51 5.60
生活质量低下 16.00 5.27 3.35 5.22 2.10 7.82
生活质量中等 12.92 4.34 2.61 3.55 1.30 7.23
高品质的生活 12.26 4.69 2.50 2.95 1.00 5.48
高的异化 15.83 5.16 3.35 4.67 2.02 7.90
媒介异化 12.75 4.30 2.36 4.14 1.09 5.90
低的异化 12.70 4.77 2.72 3.10 1.24 6.75
成绩:一个是 11.63 3.88 1.94 3.14 1.09 6.31
成绩:B的 14.65 5.05 3.10 4.14 1.58 7.31
成绩:C 11.24 4.91 3.60 4.44 1.92 4.09

Fifteen percent of the students reported spending 25 or more hours a week on the internet. Ten percent spend 10 hours or less; 12 percent spend 11-15 hours a week; 7 percent, 每周工作16-20小时,收入3%, 每周工作21-24小时.

  • Among those with a low quality of life and among those who are highly alienated, the percentage jumped to 20 percent who are spending 25 hours or more a week using the internet.
  • 学生 with poorer grades are less likely to spend a great deal of time on the internet. 在那些在学校得到D和F的学生中, only 8 percent spend 25 hours or more a week on the internet, 相比之下,只有14%的学生得到A, 只有16%的学生得到B和C.

There is a difference, too, in the means of hours spent on the internet.

  • 总样本的平均值是13.每周上网73小时.
  • Those with a low quality of life and those with who are highly alienated are spending more than two additional hours above the means each week on the internet.
  • Those who get mostly B's and C's are spending more time on the internet (14.每周学习65个小时),比成绩大多为a的学生(11个小时)都要多.63个小时),而成绩大多为D和F的学生(11个小时).24小时).

Thirty percent of the respondents spend six or more hours a week watching videos. Girls are more likely than boys to spend six or more hours a week watching videos (33 percent cf. 27%).

  • The means for the total of respondents of the number of hours spent watching videos is 4.每周76小时.
  • 女孩花更多的时间(5).看视频的时间比男孩多(7小时).76小时). This is the only media category in which the means for girls is higher than the means for boys.
  • Those with a low quality of life and those who are highly alienated spend more time each week watching videos than the means.
  • Those who get mostly A's in school spend less time watching videos than the means; those who get mostly B's and C's and those who get mostly D's and F's spend more time per week than the means.

Twenty-eight percent of the respondents spend more than three hours a week playing video games. Boys are far more likely to spend that much time playing video games than girls are (43 percent cf. 11%).

  • Younger students are more likely than older students to spend three or more hours a week playing video games (33 percent cf. 21%).
  • The mean number of hours respondents spent playing video games is 2.每周82小时.
  • 男孩的平均值是4.每周工作49小时,是女孩的4倍多.每周7小时).
  • 那些报告生活质量较低的人花费3美元.每周玩电子游戏的时间为35小时,而每周玩电子游戏的时间为2小时.生活质量高的人可以活50个小时.
  • Those who are highly alienated spend more time each week playing video games.
  • Those with poorer academic performance spend more time playing video games than those whose academic performance is better.

Among all respondents, 35 percent spend three hours or more a week playing computer games. Boys are much more likely than girls to spend more than three hours a week (39 percent cf. 29%).

  • Younger students are slightly more likely than older students to spend that amount of time.
  • 39 percent of those with a low quality of life spend three or more hours a week on computer games, compared to 30 percent of those with a high quality of life.
  • Those with a medium alienation index are slightly more likely to spend three or more hours a week than those with high alienation indices (38 percent cf. 36 percent) and considerably more likely than those with low alienation indices (30 percent).
  • 总均值是3.每周91小时,男孩平均4小时.每周91小时,女孩每周2小时.每周86小时.
  • 那些报告生活质量低的人每天花费5美元.22 hours a week playing computer games, while those who report a high quality of life spend 2.每周花95个小时玩电脑游戏.
  • 高度异化的年轻人花费4.每周玩67个小时的电脑游戏,相比之下,每周玩3个小时.疏离指数低的人每周10小时.
  • Those who receive grades of mostly D's and F's spend an hour a half more a week on computer games than those who receive mostly A's. (4.44小时cf. 3.14小时).

Chat rooms appear to be the least-used media among teenagers. Only 15 percent of the respondents spend three or more hours a week in chat rooms, and 66 percent reported they spend no time at all in chat rooms.

  • 20%的人被高度疏远, and 19 percent of those with a low quality of life index spend more than three hours a week in chat rooms.
  • Ninth and 10th grade students are more likely than younger or older students to visit chat rooms more than three hours a week.
  • 20 percent of the black students said they spend three or more hours a week in chat rooms.
  • 18 percent of those who live in unsafe neighborhoods and 19 percent of those who say they are not safe at school are in chat rooms three or more hours a week. (The mean number of hours per week spent in chat rooms is 1.47.)
  • Girls are spending slightly more time in chat rooms than boys (1.每周51小时. 1.43小时).
  • Those with a low quality of life spend twice as much time in chat rooms as those with a high quality of life (2.每周10小时. 1.每周00小时).
  • 高度疏离的学生花费2.02 hours a week in chat rooms, compared those with a low alienation index, who spend 1.一周24小时.
  • 在学校得到D和F的学生花费1美元.每周在聊天室呆92个小时. 相比之下,那些得到最多A的学生花费1美元.每周花9个小时浏览聊天室.

Only 11 percent of the respondents report spending no time in an average week looking at websites. Forty-three percent said they spend five hours or more each week visiting websites.

  • 47 percent of those who report a low quality of life spend five or more hours a week visiting websites, while 38 percent of those with a high quality of life said they spend that much time each week on websites.
  • 49 percent of those who are highly alienated spend five or more hours a week on websites, but so do 39 percent of those who have a low alienation index.
  • 48 percent of the boys spend five or more hours a week visiting websites, 相比之下,38%的女孩是这样.
  • Younger teens are less likely (33 percent) to spend that much time on websites than older teens (45 and 47 percent).
  • Those with poorer grades (mostly D's and F's) are less likely (29%) to spend five or more hours a week visiting websites than those who get mostly B's and C's (44 percent) and those who get mostly A's (41 percent).
  • The mean number of hours a week spent visiting websites is 6.和男孩在一起的时间比和女孩在一起的时间多.09小时cf. 5.每周60小时).
  • Those with a low quality of life index spend more than two hours a week visiting websites than those with a high quality of life (7.82 cf. 5.每周48小时).
  • 高度疏离的学生花费2.每周访问网站的时间为02小时,而不是1小时.对于疏离指数低的人,每周24小时.
  • 大部分得B和C的学生花费7美元.每周浏览网站的时间为31小时,相比之下,每周浏览网站的时间为6小时.每周学习31个小时的学生大多得a和4分.那些拿D和F的学生09个小时.

When we looked specifically at the students who might be considered dangerous, we found that they do differ from the other respondents in the number of hours they spend using electronic media.

危险学生vs. 学生
危险的学生 学生
使用互联网 13.62小时/周. 17.46小时/周.
观看视频 4.70小时/周. 6.78小时/周.
玩电子游戏 2.80小时/周. 3.46小时/周.
玩电脑游戏 3.86小时/周. 5.63小时/周.
浏览网页 6.82小时/周. 8.64小时/周.

While the means look interesting - especially the internet usage - the correlations between these media variables and the "dangerous student composite" are low. 最大的相关性是 .使用互联网与危险之间的关系.

What is missing from our survey is a measure of how violent the content of the various media might have been, and how long and how frequently respondents were exposed to violent versus innocuous content. 在不了解更多变量的情况下, it is difficult to definitively conclude that high media usage is a cause of lethal violence in the schools.