
根据他们报告的行为和活动, approximately 80 percent of the respondents were subjected to questionable or unacceptable activities as part of their initiation onto a collegiate athletics team. 当这个数字被预测到全国人口, 超过25万运动员——大约255人,637人被弄糊涂了 (4).

所有可能相互关联的行为组合, four mutually exclusive groups of students were defined based on the general seriousness of their activities:

  • 21 percent were involved in non-alcohol-related, unacceptable activities.
  • 另有39%的人参与了与酒精有关的活动.
  • 19%的人只参与了有问题的活动.
  • 19%的人只参加可接受的活动.
Distribution of 长沙letes by the Severity of Collegiate 长沙letic Initiation
活动 % 估计N
只接受入会活动 19% 全国运动员61888人
可疑的入会仪式,没有不可接受的活动 19% 全国运动员61342人
Alcohol-related initiation; no other unacceptable activities 39% 全国运动员126254人
不可接受的入会活动,酒精除外 21% 全国68,041名运动员
迷糊(有问题的,酒精, & 其他不可接受的) 79% 全国255637名运动员


  • 五分之一的运动员是可接受的.
  • 五分之一的运动员有问题.
  • 五分之三的运动员被不可接受地发起.

另外, 42%,这个数字预计将达到136人,160 nationally - of the athletes surveyed reported consuming alcohol on recruitment visits. Campus visits are often the first step of new students' initiation onto a college team. 因此, 对很多运动员来说, hazing actually begins while they are in high school with underage drinking with their prospective college teammates.

此外, half of all athletes surveyed (49 percent) reported consuming alcohol during team initiation activities after matriculation. This number includes drinking contests or any other questionable or unacceptable activities done while consuming alcohol. Approximately 全国运动员158823人 were expected to participate in drinking contests as part of their initiation onto a collegiate athletics team.

Distribution of 长沙letes by the Severity of Collegiate 长沙letic Initiation
活动 % 估计N
招聘酒精 42% 全国运动员136160人
喝酒比赛 49% 全国运动员158823人

如前所述, there was a marked difference between the number of athletes who reported being hazed to join a college team, 以及他们报告的行为类型. 因为这个原因, we found it more useful to examine the reported behaviors in order to estimate how many college athletes were hazed to join teams. 有, 然而, some significant issues raised by respondents who acknowledged that they were hazed.

Many athletes were introduced to questionable initiation rites prior to college. 受访者被问及他们第一次被欺负的年龄. 那些在大学里被欺负的运动员, 42 percent reported that they had also been hazed in high school and 5 percent said they were hazed in middle school. Since far more athletes reported hazing behaviors than those who said they were actually hazed, the incidence of hazing behavior among high school and middle school students may also be much higher than these figures suggest. 这一发现需要进一步研究. According to research reported in High School 被欺侮 by Hank Nuwer (Franklin Watts/Grolier forthcoming), the majority of high school hazing incidents severe or objectionable enough to merit newspaper coverage are connected to hazing in high school athletic teams or cheerleading squads. For a recent example of alleged athletic hazing in high school, see article in 阿斯伯里,新泽西,公园出版社.

年轻的运动员似乎对欺辱明显不敏感. 大多数学生都有这样的经历, 大一和大二的学生, 常常不承认自己被骗了. Juniors and seniors were significantly more likely to report hazing incidents, 其中许多发生在他们18岁或更小的时候.

许多运动员在他们的答卷上写了评论. Some said hazing does not exist on their campuses, or that it is a "non-issue.其他人承认受到了欺辱, 但他拒绝了阻止它的努力, 他说这是“团队化学反应的一部分”,或者是“传统”.一位学生写道。, “如果没有人受伤到需要医疗救助的地步, 别管它了. 结束后所有的孩子都会被录取... 90%的情况下,这是一次性交易,一切都结束了. 别管它."

教练和管理人员 (5) 似乎意识到了积极的入会活动, 却没有意识到欺侮和酗酒的盛行. Only 10 percent of the coaches reported that they knew of any hazing on their campuses. Fewer than 10 percent of the coaches and administrators reported knowing about alcohol consumption for team initiation.

可接受的入会活动 运动员n = 2027 教练n = 1049 长沙. Dir. n=338 院长n = 235
参加季前训练 88% 82% 82% 74%
在一项运动中测试技巧、耐力或表现 79% 75% 80% 68%
保持特定的平均成绩 75% 69% 68% 67%
团队活动的着装(除了制服) 73% 68% 58% 47%
参加小品表演或团队烤肉 55% 31% 34% 14%
做志愿社区服务 50% 73% 79% 59%
宣誓或签订标准合同 50% 40% 45% 26%
Percentage of Respondents Who Knew Of Questionable/Unacceptable Initiations
运动员n = 2027 教练n = 1049 长沙. Dir. n=338 院长n = 235
大喊大叫、咒骂或咒骂 31% 12% 10% 16%
穿着尴尬的衣服 29% 12% 11% 11%
纹身、穿孔、剃头或打烙印 28% 15% 16% 16%
参加与运动无关的健美操 13% 3% 3% 3%
与特定的人交往,而不是其他人 11% 2% 3% 6%
在球场外充当球员的私人仆人 9% 3% 2% 3%
剥夺自己的食物、睡眠或卫生 7% 1% 1% 2%
食用极其辛辣/恶心的混合物 6% 0% 0% 1%
在招聘视察时饮酒 42% 7% 5% 9%
参加饮酒比赛 35% 4% 4% 8%
打恶作剧电话或骚扰他人 10% 0% 1% 3%
毁坏或偷窃财物 7% 2% 3% 3%
性行为的从事或模拟性行为的 6% 1% 0% 2%
被捆住的被捆住、用胶带捆住或限制在狭小的空间里的 5% 2% 1% 0%
打,鞭打,打,踢,打别人 3% 1% 1% 0%
绑架、运输、遗弃的 3% 1% 1% 0%

Several athletic directors and coaches denied the need to discuss hazing or its prevention. In their written responses, they made comments such as: "This is a non-issue! 这里不会发生这种事。”... this is one of the more ridiculous questionnaires I've ever been asked to complete;" "...(hazing) has never come up at any meeting in student life committee. 如果真的发生了,那将是一个孤立的案例."

Some administrators were concerned about singling out athletes from the rest of the student body. 其他人则采取法律手段, such as one senior student affairs officer who wrote: "Please note that the athletic department has no special policies and procedures for hazing. Should this happen, we would follow university policies and procedures. The university, through policies and student affairs regulations, enforces hazing prevention. Problems of and discipline for hazing is handled by upper administration, the same as all students."

Another frequent comment from athletic directors and coaches was that they perceive hazing is a problem for fraternities and sororities, 但不适合体育运动.

所有被调查者都认为欺侮是高度保密的. 正如一位教练所说:“现在的规则是好的规则. 问题是我们知道发生了欺侮,但我们没有证据. 没有人会站出来,所以它不会受到惩罚. 你不能根据传闻来执行规则."

长沙letes' Reporting of 被欺侮 versus Coaches' and Administrators' Perceptions of Most Students' Reporting of 被欺侮
学生欺侮报告 运动员n = 2027 教练n = 1049 长沙. Dir. n=338 院长n = 235
你或你的大多数学生会举报欺侮吗? No
如果没有,为什么没有呢? (检查所有适用的) 60% 52% 54% 71%
It's not a problem; sometimes accidents happen 48% 26% 26% 37%
我只是无论如何都不会告发我的朋友 26% 30% 36% 54%
政府不会妥善处理 & 更糟的是 26% 7% 7% 11%
和教练或AD说话不舒服,没有其他人可以告诉 6% 7% 11% 11%
Teammates would make my life so miserable, I'd have to leave school 4% 6% 6% 17%

60%的运动员表示他们不会举报欺侮行为. 教练们相信会有更多的学生举报此类事件, 学生事务官员预计会有更少的人举报他们. Students' reasons for silence were different from the reasons coaches and administrators expected them to give.

(4)获得估计数字(患病率), 我们将调查样本加权为2,027名受访者按性别和部门分列. Using NCAA participation rates from the NCAA Participation Study 1996-97 (1998), 性别和NCAA的划分, we divided the number of survey respondents in each category of gender by division to obtain the numbers to weight the sample.

(5) Administrators include athletic directors and senior student affairs officers. For ease in reporting, the senior student affairs officers are designated as deans in the tables.