
The 妇女领导中心 (WLC) at Alfred University was established in 2006 和 is a part of the 贾德森领导力中心. 女性领导力中心为非盟的女性提供领导力教育和技能发展.

Building on Alfred University's heritage as the first truly co-educational institution in the nation, the 妇女领导中心 offers 女性 the opportunity to explore 和 fulfill their potential as leaders personally, 专业, 当他们在一个复杂的社会中面对挑战时,在他们的社区中.

The WLC provides a broad spectrum of programs 和服务s for AU 和 the surrounding community. 样本包括:

帕梅拉·拉文·伯恩斯坦1971年女性影响力演讲系列: 每年, the Women’s 领导 Center hosts several high profile speakers to discuss topics related to leadership, 女性, 职业生涯策略, 或者社会/全球问题. Our speakers are at the top of their game, 和 represent all fields of human endeavor. 在线赌博,看看今年谁会来!

女子领导学院: 为选定的学生提供学分密集的领导力发展经验. 学院成员有特殊的机会, 比如实地考察, 会议, 专业的导师, 领导实习, 以及赞助的研究. The Bernstein 领导 Award is available to members of the Women’s 领导 Academy 和 provides assistance for students to attend professional 会议 or to serve unpaid internships which substantively support career preparation 和 leadership growth. The Academy is open to students their sophomore through senior year as well as graduate students. 的学生 任何性别认同 欢迎并鼓励申请! 学院的录取是有选择性的 包括面试过程.

WLC研究奖: The WLC 研究 Award is made available to students (undergraduate 和 graduate level) to pursue academic research on topics related to 女性’s issues, 性别或女性领导.

Alpha Kappa Omicron奖: 通过AKO校友姐妹的支持才得以实现, the AKO领导奖 recognize two 女性 students for their achievements in personal 和 campus leadership. The AKO Achievement Award acknowledges excellent academic performance by a sophomore woman; the AKO Social Change 领导 Award honors a junior-level woman for her leadership through a campus organization.

欧米克隆三角洲卡帕荣誉协会: ODK是国家领导荣誉协会在线赌博有一个分会! 录取是基于学业成绩和对领导的承诺. Students are inducted each spring, but all are encouraged to inquire about ODK at any time. Members of ODK are celebrated for their commitment to leadership within the five pillars: research, 体育运动, 校园服务 & 社区,沟通和创意 & 表演艺术. 该协会也重视具有合作精神的领导者, 包容, 重视诚信的人, 奖学金, 和服务. ODK的顾问是Diana Maguire和Abby Hurley.

担任领导职务的女性面临着特殊的挑战, 学院的目的是帮助学生积累知识, 提高技能, 扩大他们领导职责的选择权. 女子领导学院鼓励学生探索领导理论, 研究性别角色(和规则)如何影响领导力, 并以有意义的方式实践领导力. Membership to the WLA is selective, but students of all gender identities are welcome to apply.


  • 更好地了解自己,了解自己的技能、兴趣和目标;
  • Devise a mission statement for your own leadership growth to match your professional 和 personal goals.
  • 获得在任何领域取得成功所必需的个人和团队技能.
  • 管理一个重要的服务领导项目作为你的顶点经验.
  • Study contemporary 和 classical leadership theories 和 clarify your own leadership values.
  • 探索性别, 权力, 经济地位, 比赛, 国籍, 其他因素也为领导力创造了机遇和挑战.
  • Participate in field trips or exchange programs with other 女性’s leadership initiatives at regional colleges 和 universities
  • Special grants from the Bernstein 领导 Award to attend student leadership 会议, 或者做带薪领导实习.
  • 参与与WLC特别嘉宾的独家对话和活动.
  • Build strong relationships with mentors specially matched to your interests 和 goals.
  • 与其他学院的学生和校友建立持久的关系.


Two elective courses as approved by the 女子领导学院 Director (highly recommended, 但不需要完成学院课程)


WLA students will complete a leadership capstone project which takes place during the Spring course (WGST 475).

The WLC is a grateful recipient of a research gift from Ms Sherry Walton ('80, '88) 和 Mr. 查理·乔伊斯. The 研究 in Women's 领导 Endowment at Alfred University is created to provide support for research initiatives at the 妇女领导中心 (WLC). 这项捐赠有两个目的:

  1. To provide students with h和s-on experience with the full spectrum of academic research into 女性's leadership issues, 和
  2. 为在线赌博的女性领导力提供一个标志性的项目.

之前的研究包括性骚扰和工资不平等, both of which were sponsored in part by the American Association of University Women.


  • 非盟女性领导的历史
  • 发展女性领导的核心能力矩阵
  • 发展一个连贯的女性领导理论
  • 创造力、直觉和领导力的交集
  • 教育管理不公平
  • 领导力培训对职业选择和效能的影响
  • 疲弱的经济如何影响女性的家庭动态, 由于他们的工作性质, 承担更大的经济领导权
  • 超级女声综合症
  • Women in STEM (science, technology, engineering 和 mathematics) fields 和 leadership training

在线赌博的贝丝·罗宾逊·贾德森领导力中心, 和阿尔法卡帕欧米克隆的校友, 在线赌博成立于1944年的跨信仰和跨种族的女生联谊会, 怀着真理的理想,理解和平等的姐妹情谊, 很高兴为您颁发AKO领袖奖. The AKO Achievement Award is given to a sophomore woman who has demonstrated excellence in personal academic leadership 和 honors the high st和ards of scholastic performance. 该奖项附带250美元奖金.00美元的酬金将由收件人酌情使用. The AKO Social Change 领导 Award is given to a junior woman who has demonstrated superior efforts in creating change-for-the-good for the AU community. An emphasis is placed on active, authentic service-based leadership which creates sustainable change. 该奖项附带500美元奖金.00美元的酬金将由收件人酌情使用. 关于这些奖项评选标准的问题, 联系JLC.


艾米丽吸引, AKO成就奖

艾米丽吸引, class of 2025, is the recipient of the Fall 2022 Alpha Kappa Omicron Achievement Award. 艾米丽主修美术,辅修工商管理.


“感谢你们选择我为2022年AKO成就奖. 在我的一生中, I’ve been taught what great leadership looks like from the incredible 和 strong female leaders I have been lucky enough to experience. They have guided my perception of what phenomenal leadership looks like 和 it’s because of their influence that I am here today. I am honored to be considered a leader 和 I hope that my influence can encourage others to become leaders as well.”



娜塔莉·雷诺兹, 2024届毕业生, 是2022年秋季Alpha Kappa Omicron社会变革领导奖的获得者吗. 娜塔莉是艺术系三年级的学生,辅修英语. 她是一个高度参与的学生,包括担任我们的学生参议院主席.


“I applied for the AKO Social Change Award because I was encouraged by several AU 教师 to do so. I am honored that they thought of me even in terms of applying for the award 和 more so that I was chosen to receive it. I am reassured in my leadership efforts by being recognized 和 am determined to continue developing my leadership practice while being a female role model on campus 和 in the community. 谢谢你!!”