
Initiation rites are activities expected of someone in order to be treated as a full member of a group. 许多团体, 从执行委员会到部落社团, 已经认识到有必要发起新成员. An initiation activity may involve learning the history and principles of the group, 从事娱乐活动, 团队建设或社区建设游戏, 或者克服一些需要技巧或成熟的身体挑战. Adult elders typically guide initiation rites toward specific goals using specific means gleaned from years of experience, 洞察力, 和智慧. 提升者, 然而, do not know what is happening to them or what it means; their knowledge and comprehension comes gradually.

我们的文化, 然而, has relatively few opportunities for youth to participate in adult-guided initiations or rites of passage and subsequently few opportunities for adults to learn to structure meaningful initiations for youth. 这是1999年研究的结果, 一组大学教练被要求给他们的运动员两个积极的, 团队建设活动. 他们发现这比他们预期的要困难. 有人评论说:“我们同意每个团队做两次入会活动. We wondered if we would have enough time (to do those activities in addition to practices), 但我们并没有准备好创造出有意义的内容是多么困难, 引人入胜的, 有效的提升. 难怪孩子们在尝试(设计入会活动)时遇到麻烦。. 这真的很难.“创建成功的社区建设活动似乎很简单, 但是他们需要能力, 实践与经验.

Adolescents blindly strive to be accepted and are often willing "to do anything" in order to belong, 包括酗酒, 性侵犯, 以及其他形式的欺侮. 如果社会不提供启蒙, 青少年会尝试自己去做, 通常对所有相关人员都不利, 以及整个集团.

没有经验的智慧, 年轻人用羞辱, 滥用, 和危险来制作一个故事, 一个秘密, 一种高度的共同体验,创造了他们所寻求的联系感. 然而,欺侮对人际关系的破坏性大于建设性, 因为它依赖于药物滥用和其他自我毁灭的行为, 社会的进攻, 隔离, 不合作的, 咄咄逼人的, 伤害, 或者以破坏文明为代价, 完整性, 尊重, 责任, 合作, 和同情. The social, as well as personal, price of hazing outweighs the results-unnecessarily so. We can learn to bond and challenge each other in socially and personally constructive ways.

很多人会问:“但是有些欺侮不是好事吗?? 孩子就是孩子,这不是在闹着玩吗? 欺负别人不会让人变得太骄傲?" Some of it may be; 然而, more often than not (56%) of those subjected to humiliating hazing were also expected to engage in 药物滥用, 潜在的非法, 或其他危险行为. Humiliating hazing behaviors are a clear warning flag that more serious hazing behaviors may be involved.

欺辱就是欺辱,不管你是否愿意参与. Expecting someone to do something in order to be accepted by a group is different from 引人入胜的 in that behavior of one's own choice. 例如, 被告知什么, 当, 在哪里纹身和自己决定纹身是不同的. 归属和证明自我的冲动在青少年中是如此强烈, 他们会屈从于别人不合理甚至非法的要求.


  1. 学生们常常觉得,成年人宽恕欺侮. Students are significantly more apt to be involved in hazing activities if they knew an adult who had been hazed, 他们认为欺侮是社会可以接受的, 他们最有可能从与他们互动的成年人那里获得一种态度. 学生们参与欺侮的原因包括思考, “大人们让我觉得别无选择." Students often said they would not report hazing because "There was no one to tell" or "Adults won't know how to handle it." Students' perceptions, accurate or not, of adults' attitudes greatly influence their behavior. 作为一个社区,我们仍然有责任保护我们的高中生的安全. 我们需要向他们发出明确的信息——欺侮是不安全的,不可接受的,也没有必要的. 我们还需要发挥领导作用, 举例说明我们如何应对周围发生的事件, 关注年轻人所处的世界.
  2. 学生们通常不认为欺侮是一个问题. Only half of the students involved in 药物滥用 and illegal acts as part of being accepted into a group perceived their activities as hazing. Although many students who were hazed reported negative consequences of hazing (71%) and negative feelings (73%), 60%的人还报告了积极的感觉. The second most common reason students would not report hazing is the "It's not a problem; sometimes accidents happen.“学生们不知道反欺侮法. 鼓励, 然而, is the fact 98 percent believe that dangerous hazing was not good and 86 percent think that humiliating hazing was not good. This suggests that education about hazing and the danger involved might be effective.
  3. 宗教机构自身也面临着严重的欺辱. 教会团体受到欺侮的程度令人惊讶. Not only did a quarter of the students belonging to church groups report involvement in hazing behaviors, they were more apt to be involved with dangerous hazing activities than students in other groups, 除了帮派, 兄弟会和啦啦队. At the same time they were involved in more positive initiation activities as well. 这很麻烦, 因为我们防止欺侮的策略是提供替代方案, 积极的启蒙和关于羞辱的危险的强烈信息, 药物滥用, 和暴力. Much more research into the reasons for and dynamics of hazing in church groups in the United States is needed.
  4. 学生们通常认为欺侮是“有趣和令人兴奋的”." The primary reason students gave for 引人入胜的 in hazing was that it was "fun and exciting.“美国人痴迷于乐趣. 乐趣是做任何事情的主要理由. 乐趣等同于值得. 庞大的娱乐产业直接向我们的年轻人推销暴力,称其为“乐趣”.基督教科学箴言报(2000年7月21日)报道说.9 billion video game industry has now surpassed the movie industry in terms of domestic revenue. They note: "A study that appeared in the April issue of The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that violent video game play is related to 咄咄逼人的 behavior and delinquency. It also suggested that the games may be more harmful to adolescents than either violent TV shows or movies, 因为玩家认同攻击者, 积极参与暴力活动, 似乎对游戏上瘾了.“欺侮,尤其是危险的欺侮,包括攻击性行为. As a society we invest billions of dollars in selling pain-free experiences of violence to youth under the label of "fun.“在这个过程中,我们的年轻人获得了高度培养的暴力技能.
  5. 欺侮从小就开始,并可能持续一生. 许多学生在很小的时候就受到欺辱. Six percent of all students responding and a quarter of the students who perceived that they were hazed in high school (24.3%)表示他们在青少年时期就受到了欺凌. Nearly half reported being subjected to some form of hazing activities in high school and nearly a third reported being subjected to 潜在的非法 hazing activities in high school. Although humiliation and 药物滥用 increase dramatically from high school to college athletes, dangerous hazing is well established before college: 22 percent of all high school students reported involvement in these behaviors as opposed to 21 percent of college athletes. This basic level of dangerous hazing meets with significantly elevated levels of 药物滥用 hazing in college and a deadly combination is created.
  6. Adults working with youth should keep in mind that hazing experiences go with the student throughout life. Over half of the students in any organized high school group have probably experienced hazing for some group in their life (50-72%) and a third or more have been expected to commit 潜在的非法 acts in order to be part of a group (30-50%). 这些经历塑造了学生对群体的态度和期望.