Research Institutes

Lea R. 鲍威尔儿童和家庭研究所



Established in 1997, the 电子艺术学院 (IEA) is dedicated to the integration of electronic media within the fine arts disciplines through a focus on art making, research, and education. The purpose of the Institute is to encourage the development of electronic imaging studios, 赞助跨学科的工作, 并赞助互动艺术家驻地. 鼓励和支持涉及互动多媒体的项目, 远程通信系统, 实验音乐/视频环境, and publications, the IEA hopes to promote global interactions of technological experimentation and artistic investigation.


Located just off campus, the 国家铸造中心 provides melting facilities and classroom space for the School of Art and Design's sculpture program. Alfred University's National Casting Center is a cooperative project between metal and glass casting that doubles the capacity of the glass facility and the metal foundry.

Digital Lab

The Digital Lab is a state-of-the-art facility that serves as a creative and innovative hub for students, faculty and staff from both the School of Art and Design and the 稻盛工学院. Our lab is equipped with a broad array of digital fabrication tools designed to support a wide range of projects and research endeavors.

Hands-on learning

Physics and astronomy students at Alfred University focus on active learning through

  • Research projects
  • Facilities at the Stull Observatory 那里有纽约州最大的光学望远镜之一
  • 对太阳物理、近地小行星或变星的研究
  • 使用最先进的硅图形工作站计算物理
  • Work on particle beam physics, remotely operating the Cornell Electron-Positron Storage Ring (CESR).


The Physics major is designed for students who enjoy investigating the world around them by applying fundamental principles in a quantitative manor. 浓度提供于

  • 天体物理学-对天文学感兴趣的人
  • 普通物理-为那些有广泛兴趣的人
  • Solid state and mechanical concentrations - for those who want engineering courses as part of the physics major


All students at Alfred University have a unique opportunity to view firsthand the beauty and wonder of the nighttime sky. The Stull observatory at Alfred University houses one of the larger optical telescopes in NY state, the .82米奥斯汀费洛斯望远镜. 我们还有一台远程操作的16英寸DFM望远镜, a 9-inch refractor, 16英寸和20英寸牛顿望远镜以及一个小型射电望远镜.

Those who want to take more than one astronomy class can either major in physics with an astrophysics concentration, or minor in astronomy. 来自各个专业的学生都选择辅修天文学.


生物与生物化学学部提倡并支持动手实践, 通过实验室和实地课程进行互动学习, inquiry-based instruction, research activities, internships, 以及关于现代生物学研究的讨论/研讨会. Students at AU have many opportunities to conduct research by becoming involved in faculty research projects or 通过设计他们自己的独立研究项目. Many classroom laboratory activities blossom into student-directed independent study courses

Equipment and facilities

The Division of Biology and Biochemistry houses a variety of research-grade equipment including digital imaging systems, laminar flow hoods, 荧光显微镜和相衬显微镜, UV/VIS spectrophotometers, molecular biology equipment, 现场取样设备和环境生长箱. All facilities are available for students to use with the appropriate training and supervision. 了解更多在线赌博的生物设施.

State-of-the-art Facilities

With 2,500 square feet of research-dedicated laboratory facilities and equipment and four teaching classroom/laboratories, 在线赌博提供的工具和支持学生需要进行有意义的, 深入的生物学研究.


Four teaching classroom/laboratories are specially designed and equipped to support our discovery-based approach to learning.

  • sc301 -分子遗传学和生物化学实验室和教室
  • SC 303 – Flexible active learning classroom, supporting a number of biological disciplines
  • sc306 -解剖和生理实验室和教室
  • SC325/325A – Cell Biology and Microbiology laboratory and adjoining incubator and independent project space (a BSL2 facility)

Core Research Laboratories

几位教师在我们专门的核心设施中维护研究项目. 专门的设备支持组织培养, microbiology, molecular biology, 和植物生物学的努力,包括:层流组织培养罩, high speed centrifuges, a chemiluminescent imager, BioRad实时PCR机, oxygen analyzer, 并采用液相氧电极系统进行光合作用和呼吸作用的研究. Plant biology facilities include several environmentally controlled growth chambers and a new state of the art Plant Biology research facility. There is a separate 375 sq. 足部准备室装有纯净水系统, 培养基准备和洗碗设备, and two sterilizers.

All biology students are encouraged to participate in research opportunities by becoming involved in faculty research projects, 通过设计他们自己的独立研究项目, and pursuing ARGUS grants. With training, all department equipment listed below is available for use in undergraduate independent and classroom research projects.


Our instrument room, 哪个是我们项目的重要组成部分, 是否配备电脑控制, research-grade instruments. More importantly, our students get hands-on experience with them by their second year.

Research in the School of Engineering is conducted with state-of-the-art equipment housed in over 40,000平方英尺的实验室空间. Our research equipment serves a dual purpose by contributing to the education of our undergraduate and graduate students. 我们不仅为该领域提供最好的设施而感到自豪, 而且我们所有的学生都有机会接触到这些知识.


  • Atomistic Computer Modeling
  • 有限元分析与多尺度建模


  • 陶瓷加工设备和中试工厂
  • 数字制造和快速原型实验室
  • 玻璃配方及加工
  • Heat Treating and Sintering
  • 多功能材料实验室
  • 厚膜加工设备及中试工厂
  • 薄膜加工设施
  • 超快材料科学与工程实验室


  • Biomaterials Laboratory
  • 电气特性设备
  • 电化学和高温电池设备
  • 机械性能测试
  • 光学显微镜实验室
  • 粉末表征实验室
  • Spectroscopy Laboratories
  • 表面微观结构分析实验室(small)
  • 太赫兹光谱学和毫米波成像
  • Thermal Analysis Laboratory
  • x射线衍射实验室

Systems Design and Testing

  • 控制与通信系统实验室
  • 数字信号处理实验室
  • 机械工程设施
  • 可再生能源系统实验室
  • VSLI设计和测试实验室

Digital Lab

The Digital Lab is a state-of-the-art facility that serves as a creative and innovative hub for students, faculty and staff from both the School of Art and Design and the 稻盛工学院. Our lab is equipped with a broad array of digital fabrication tools designed to support a wide range of projects and research endeavors.


All our majors engage in independent undergraduate research projects as part of the Environmental Studies program. The topics of these projects vary greatly, depending on the interests of the students. 我们坚信学生在“做”中学习,并融入实践, 我们几乎所有的课程都采用互动式学习.


所有的学生都有机会接触到大量最先进的领域, laboratory, and computer equipment within the Environmental Studies Division as well as the other science and engineering departments on campus. This makes Alfred University's undergraduate program one of the best equipped in the country. 设备包括离子色谱仪, 原子吸收分光光度计, 以及进行毛细管区带电泳的仪器, all used for the analysis of water samples; a fully-equipped Geographic Information Systems (GIS) laboratory complete with two sub-meter scale Global Positioning Systems units, a dedicated GIS specialist, a 36-inch color plotter, and the latest version of the most frequently used GIS software; and a variety of equipment for soil testing, including compaction meter, soil moisture collectors, microscopes, 湿实验室设备.

Field equipment

我们有各种各样的仪器用于现场取样和分析, including a “Hydrolab” for analyzing a variety of water parameters in the field; sediment and water samplers, including two automated, programmable water samplers; flow meters; field dissolved oxygen, pH, and electrical conductivity meters; and two boats. 我们在校园内或离校园很近的地方还有两个现场设施:

  • 水文野外实验室, 由7口地下水井组成, 哪一个是完全仪器测量和记录水位, temperature, electrical conductivity, pressure, etc.
  • Foster Lake property, 占地223英亩,由湖泊和周围的森林组成, which is used as a field laboratory for Environmental Studies classes and student research.